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Europe gets new game rating system

A new pan-European age rating system for computer and video games is to be introduced to help protect kids from unsuitable content. Known as PEGI (Pan European Game Information), the new system will eventually replace existing age rating systems currently used in European countries.

Each game will feature an age rating (3 and over; 7 and over; 12 and over; 16 and over, and 18 and over) on the front cover of the title plus a brief description of the game's content. The only exception to the new rating system - introduced by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE) - are some minor local variations in Portugal and Finland. Oh, and Germany won't be using it since will retain its own rating system - 'cos that's the law.

Those behind PEGI - which will be regulated by the industry - hope it will make life easier for parents and adults buying games for kids

News source: The Reg

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