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Latest Tesla Easter egg set to take owners "back to the future"

Tesla is no stranger to the inclusion of Easter eggs in its vehicles having previously announced the addition of Atari classics in the vehicle's infotainment system, with Position, Tempest, and Missile Command among the titles rolled out. Now, the company has snuck in another fun update, this time in its smartphone app.

The Easter egg can be accessed when a Tesla vehicle's range depletes to 121 miles at which point you can tap the battery icon in the app. This will activate the Back to the Future mode, replacing the image of the vehicle with a Model X with its falcon wing doors opened in a tip of the hat to the DeLorean DMC-12. The app contains a number of other references to the popular movie, with the user presented with the option to turn on the time circuits and also setting the next scheduled service date to November 5, 1955 - this is, of course, the date that Doc Brown invented the DeLorean's power source, the flux capacitor.

Other touches include changing the vehicle's name to "OUTATIME", as per the number plate found on Doc Brown's iconic car, and another reference to 88mph, the required velocity to trigger "temporal displacement".

Of course, Tesla vehicles would need to store a lot more power than the now standard 100kWh batteries in order to provide the 1.21GW of power necessary to operate the time circuits as found in the famous vehicular time machine.

Source: Mashable

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