The Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administration says that it is now working to provide "managed copy" features on the media that uses its protection technology. HD DVD had plans to implement managed copy as part of its specification (a main reason why Microsoft and Intel stood behind the format) but Blu-ray Disc had thus far ignored the concept. The final version of AACS will supposedly introduce methods for users to legally copy their high definition media. "The final version will include things like managed copy - which will address the main thing that hackers claim they're interested in," said Michael Ayers, spokesperson for the AACS LA.
Currently, those who wish to do more with their HD content other than just play it straight off the disc must resort to using hacker-discovered processing keys or similar software, which are used to completely defeat the AACS protection. The AACS is hoping that managed copy features will increase sales and acceptance of high-definition optical media. "Studios will have to take that into account when they select pricing. We are optimistic that the studios will see this as a benefit that will drive sales" said Ayers.
The technicalities surrounding just how the AACS LA plans to accomplish legal copying are still unclear. "The structure of managed copy, how it's technically going to work, what will the rules and conditions for the offer of a managed copy be - part of it is just understanding the rights in offering a managed copy, the rights a content owner may or may not have. Potentially, you could have a situation where somebody has the right to distribute on disc, but nothing else; or, the distribution rights are limited to a specific region or continent," explains Ayers.
News source: DailyTech
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