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Massive hardcore porn outbreak hits Facebook

Viewing Facebook at work? Well perhaps watch out, because according to a recent report over at Gawker, Facebook has been inundated recently by both hardcore porn and gory images due to some sort of hack. These images simply pop-up in your news feed and are associated to users who have nothing to do with the porn, one Gawker user mentioned.

The user, Adam Shank, said that “the pictures are REALLY graphic” such as images of women masturbating and erect penises: just the kind of stuff you want your boss to see over your shoulder at work. The issue also appears not to be localized to this one guy, as people on Twitter have been reporting the issues as well, saying things like “Facebook is officially a porn site” and “it’s a legit porn site.”

Porn isn’t the only thing appearing, as actress Courtney Zito said today that she saw images such as “a guy who had his skull bashed in and his brains on the street” in her Facebook feed. The unwanted images have caused users on Facebook to start groups such as “I remember when Facebook WASN’T a porn site!”

Gawker speculates that this is the work of Anonymous; however that’s unlikely because the “hacktivist” group recently said that they would not be targeting Facebook and that any operation involving Facebook was not associated with the group. Whoever it is though is certainly causing a stir and annoying some users, and Facebook are struggling to keep it under control.

Personally I haven’t experienced these graphic images in my feed, it could be that whatever virus/worm/hack is causing this unwanted hasn’t reached us down in Australia, but I am glad that I don’t have to sift through porn to get to the actual user content I go to the site for.

Have you been affected? Let us know in the comments.

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