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Metal Gear Solid 3

Sneaky hands-on action confirms Snake's rude health, and sorts out tea. Crocodile canapes, anyone?

When we first heard that Metal Gear Solid 3 would be eschewing the series' traditional industrial settings for the jungle, we weren't entirely convinced that it would work. And when we heard that a major focus of the game would be, as its subtitle says, eating snakes, we couldn't help but think that Kojima had really has lost it this time.

The good news, of course, is that he hasn't and Metal Gear Solid 3 is already shaping up to be another classic addition to the seminal series of sneaky games.

We've played the first level of the game - which makes up around 30 minutes of gameplay - and the new camouflage, eating and close quarter combat systems all ensure that any doubts as to whether the series was getting tired or not have been put to rest.

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News source: gamesradar.com

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