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Michael Dell Interested in Licensing Mac OS

Some interesting news from Fortune Magazine today, as they discussed the upcoming switch to Intel chipsets for Apple computers with Michael Dell – who, notably – said he'd be interested in licensing Apple's Mac OS.

Up until this point, many computer corporations have been wary of offending Microsoft by offering alternative products – but lately, Dell has been paving the way in offering their customers choices. Most recently, they've offered bundling their server line with Linux, an operating system rivaled by Microsoft. Their strategy remains unchanged to this day – as shown by their openness to license Apple's software.

"If Apple decides to open the Mac OS to others, we would be happy to offer it to our customers," Dell wrote in a recent e-mail to David Kirkpatrick, a staff writer for Fortune Magazine. It's the first time any PC industry executive has candidly revealed interest for selling computers with Apple's Mac OS.

However, don't hold your breath for Apple flavored Dell's – licensing of their OS won't occur until Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, gives the okay. In recent press releases, Jobs remains uptight when it comes to licensing to other companies. For now, Apple plans to release Intel supported machines manufactured on its own in the upcoming years.

News source: Fortune Magazine

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