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Microsoft to put Bluetooth into keyboards, mice.

Blue lights, blue teeth, blue rinse.

AS THE INQ HEADED OUT of the Bluelight district, we spotted an item in the Bluetooth Daily News - the official organ for the Bluetooth Congress 2002.

According to the magazine, Microsoft is completing its volte face over Bluetooth. Who knows, it might even build Bluetooth drivers into Windows.

Anyway, Taiyo Yuden is claiming to have won a contract from Microsoft to supply Bluetooth modules to fit inside Bill's keyboards and mice. Apparently Microsoft's HID (Human Interface Device) software will be loaded onto Taiyo Yuden's Bluetooth modules.

The INQ understands that HID is one of the few Bluetooth 'standard profiles' that hasn't yet been generally agreed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). So, incompatibilities here we come.

Obviously, Taiyo wouldn't be drawn on actual numbers but did say 'high volumes' were involved. Of course, the INQ would have brought you this news earlier but a Bluetooth access point hasn't been installed in the show's Press Office. Apparently the organisers felt the technology was "too unstable" to do so. Oh ye of little faith! µ

News source: The Inquirer

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