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PlayPad VR is a Nyko controller that snaps into the front of the Gear VR for easy storage

Although VR has hit the consumer space, there are still many hurdles left before the technology is adopted more widely into the mainstream. For now, there are more affordable solutions, like the Gear VR, that make use of existing technology consumers already own, allowing them to sample the possibilities. While the Gear VR will give you a decent experience on its own, it really benefits being paired with a game controller of some sort.

A controller can certainly broaden the experience, but it might be cumbersome to carry around. In order to combat this issue, Nyko will introduce a solution later this year with its PlayPad VR. The firm partnered with Samsung on the new controller accessory and it offers the benefit of being able to clip on to the front of the Gear VR for easy storage.

Beyond the actual storage mechanism, the controller offers quite an array of buttons and triggers, while being contained in a fairly slim package. The controller charges via USB Type-C and as stated before will be available towards the end of the year for $49.99.

Source: Nyko

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