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Prince of Persia 2: New Screenshots

Prince of Persia sequal has revealed new images and details.

Prince of Persia 2's producer Yannis Mallat dips into the title's storyline to reveal the influences that have affected the main protagonist's demeanour and moulded him into the man he has become... "When he opened the Hourglass at the start of Sands of Time, the Prince inadvertently set into motion events, which would reach far beyond his adventure at the Sultan's palace.

"He was supposed to die... But as we all know, not only did The Prince survive the opening of the Hourglass, he managed to reseal the sands and prevent the disaster from ever occurring. He had changed his fate. This was a terrific thing for the people of his kingdom, but a virtual death sentence for the Prince. "Fate doesn't like to be pushed around. And when an individual, through some incredible act of bravery, heroism, or luck, manages to avoid his or her fate, a Dahaka is spawned.

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News source: ComputerandGames - PCZONE

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