Bringing retro consoles back to life has become a popular trend in recent years, with companies like Sony, Nintendo and Atari all hopping on the bandwagon. Late last year, SEGA released the Genesis Mini (or Mega Drive Mini in regions outside of North America) for fans who enjoy a blast from the past once in a while. It was a modern rendition of the classic SEGA console from the late eighties and nineties, the Genesis/Mega Drive.
When it launched in September 2019, the Genesis Mini was priced at $79.99. Those who liked the idea of the miniature console, but were hesitant to purchase it due to the price tag will be happy to know that it has been slashed by 30% on Amazon. Those interested can buy the retro gaming system from SEGA for $49.99 during the current offer.
The rebooted version of the popular classic console comes preloaded with a set of 40 retro games out the box. Some of those titles include Alisia Dragoon, Monster World IV, Road Rash II, Strider, Tetris, Virtual Fighter 2 and more. A comprehensive list of games can be found on the console's official website.
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