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Students offered virus writing course

Should make for an interesting edition of University Challenge

A university course in Canada teaching students how to create computer viruses has been met with derision by angry industry watchers, who believe it will create a pool of future virus writers.

The 'Computer Viruses and Malware' course will begin next autumn at the University of Calgary.

It is described as focusing on "developing malicious software such as computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses that are known to wreak havoc to the tune of billions of dollars worldwide on an annual basis".

The thinking behind the course is that educating students in virus writing will lead to a greater understanding of how to stop viruses. The teaching will also cover legal, ethical and computer security issues.

The University's Department of Computer Science explained that it "explores new territory as it becomes the first institution in Canada to offer such a course as part of its undergraduate programme".

News source: vnunet.com

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