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Sony has added Internet Radio in the PlayStation Portable’s latest firmware update: version 3.80. PSP owners will now be able to access thousands of stations via Wi-Fi, emphasizing the music side of the portable multimedia...

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Windows Live Spaces is now available in 51 countries in 25 languages. There have been 93 million spaces created since Spaces was released, and more than 111 million people a month use Spaces. More than...

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In the next major release of Mac OS X Leopard, Apple will include a new technology called Boot Camp that lets you install and run Windows on your Mac. If you have an Intel-based Mac...

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At the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, Jon von Tetzchner, co-founder and CEO of Opera, announced that Opera Mobile will be competing with Internet Explorer Mobile as soon as the first Windows Mobile 6.0 phones...

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"Podcast" (a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar programme, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player) is now an official part of the English language, as the word...

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MSN Messenger and Xbox Live Alerts are now integrated in Xbox Live! Details inside... The largest online gaming community is getting even more features added to the already super functional Xbox Live...

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Microsoft today added a survey "Office 2003 Name Menu Feedback" at for Office 2003 beta testers and is also added to the "To-Do's" list. The Microsoft Office and Office Family Teams hasn't...

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