The Chinese phone maker, Honor, will roll out eye tracking technology to its phones from August 27. With this, you will be able to open notifications and apps just by using your eyes.
Azure Lab Services integration with Microsoft Teams is now generally available. The service allows you to provision VMs on demand, and invited users can utilize them without an Azure subscription.
The app, GazeSpeak, allows listeners to understand what the person suffering from ALS is trying to say by analyzing their eye movement to help the listener as well as the patient communicate.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has returned - but after taking the challenge today, Microsoft's Satya Nadella and Terry Myerson have nominated the entire Windows Insider community to take it next.
Not to be outdone by her husband, Melinda also took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on her birthday last Friday wearing a rather large hat. Check out the video after the jump.
Steve Ballmer has taken the ALS awareness Ice Bucket Challenge, becoming the third and final Microsoft CEO to complete the task. Ballmer was challenged by a player on his new team, the L.A. Clippers.