The FDA has authorized doctors to prescribe EndeavorRX for children suffering from ADHD in the United States. The video game has exhibited efficacy in reducing the impairments linked to the disorder.
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The World Health Organisation has for the first time listed gaming addiction as a disorder. It'll be added to the International Classification of Diseases manual due to be published this year.
A new study has claimed that phone data alone is enough to predict symptoms of depression; it is understood that the more time people spend on their phones, the more they are likely to be depressed.
Well, there's some bad news for selfie-loving men: An intriguing study has revealed that men who take selfies and post them online without any editing show signs of psychopathy.
A new skin condition, believed to be caused by excessive use of games consoles, has been identified by skin specialists in Switzerland, according to the BBC. The condition, dubbed 'PlayStation palmar hidradenitis', was discovered when...
The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) has issued an alert for Doctors to be aware of a new skin rash caused by long periods of mobile phone use. In the warning the BAD links...