The i'm Initiative, where every time someone who has chosen to participate in the i'm Initiative has a conversation using Messenger, Microsoft shares a portion of our advertising revenue with the organization selected by the...
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Today Electronic Arts Inc. announced the company will donate the original SimCity™ — the blockbuster 1989 game credited with giving rise to the city-building game genre—to each computer in the One Laptop per Child (OLPC)...
Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang will donate $75 million to Stanford University, the university from where he graduated and where he and a fellow student by the name of David Filo began working on a directory...
Malaria research accounts for about one-third of 1 percent of the total amount of money spent on medical research and development, even though it accounts for 3 percent of all the productive years of life...
Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, is to donate $40 million to his old school in Seattle. Lakeside is a fee-paying school and the money from Microsoft will go towards scholarships for children in the local area....
An interesting website! I've included some "searches" our readers might find interesting : " gives a fascinating perspective on campaign donation laws. You can look up people's political donations to the current...