An image of Bard showed Google's AI chatbot claiming that the new James Webb Space Telescope had taken the first photo of an exoplanet, when in fact that happened way back in 2004.
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The James Webb Space Telescope sustained a concerning micro-meteorite strike in May, triggering an investigation. A report suggests there is a slight but permanent increase in error factors.
NASA has reached a major milestone in the deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope with the successful alignment of the optics. The agency also shared a focused image of a star taken by JWST.
There are no launches slated for the upcoming week, however, there are a number of videos in the recap section. The James Webb Space Telescope is also continuing to race ahead to its destination.
After the successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, we have a quiet week ahead. It'll be interesting though because Russia is planning the third test flight of its Angara A5 rocket.
We've got an exciting week coming up in rocket launches because an Ariane 5 ECA+ will finally take the James Webb Space Telescope to space on Christmas Eve following 25 years of construction.

TWIRL 43: Anticipation builds for James Webb Space Telescope but it's not launching just yet [Update]
It's due to be a quiet week in rocket launches in the week beginning December 13th. We should see anticipation build, however, for the JWST telescope which is due to launch the week after.
The largest and most powerful space science telescope was subjected to low and high-frequency vibrations to test it against the harsh conditions that it will face during launch next year.