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Two Tribes: Vengeance demos due next month

Irrational Games plans to ship two demo versions of Tribes: Vengeance next month, in the form of an open beta multiplayer test and a separate single-player demo, producer Chris Mahnken has revealed in an interview on Eurogamer today.

"There's going to be both an open beta at some point in August, and there will also be a single-player demo available that month," he explained. When asked for specifics, Mahnken commented, "The beta will have probably two, maybe three maps and it'll be sort of like the Battlefield [1942] beta was. A limited amount of content." We were also told, "The single-player demo will have one map in it." However that map won't be the first, Halo-esque single-player level that we looked at in close detail on Wednesday. Instead, it's a single-player map in an Arena-style configuration.

News source: Eurogamer.net

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