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Updates to Bose AR SDKs bring support for iOS 13 and XCode 11, and allow faster pairing

Bose Corporation, the company predominantly famous for its audio equipment, reached out to developers today, announcing an updated version of the Bose AR SDK for both iOS and Unity.

The latest version for the Bose AR SDK, v4.0.11, for iOS brings a host of new things. First up, iOS 13 is now supported alongside XCode 11. Secondly, the software has now been updated to automatically connect the Bose wearable to the last connected device without a timeout and the need to search for devices. Thirdly, the improved Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology now allows for faster pairing between devices. There is one known issue with the update, however. Bose is saying that the app does not seamlessly support dark mode and might cause legibility issues.

The Bose AR SDK v4.0.11 release notes for iOS is as follows:

Additions and Improvements

  • Added support for iOS 13.
  • Added new reconnect feature that automatically reconnects to the last-paired product, without a timeout or needs to scan for all products.


  • Updated the connection UI to work with iOS 13.
  • Updated the SDK to Swift 5.1 / Xcode 11.
  • Improved BLE connections for faster pairing.

Known Issue

  • This SDK release does not properly support dark mode, resulting in text that is difficult to read.

Firmware Supported

  • Bose Frames >= 2.3.1
  • QC35 II >= 4.3.7
  • Bose Noise Cancelling 700 >= 1.0.10

As stated before, the Unity SDK for Bose AR was updated as well. Version 4.0.3 for the Bose AR SDK for Unity changes the location of the 'plugins' directory, which will now be located within the 'Bose/Wearable' directory. Issues related to USB connectivity have seemingly been resolved in tandem. There are also a few deprecated methods and internal changes to object behavior within the framework.

The full release notes for the Bose AR SDK v4.0.3 for Unity are as follows:

SDK/API Changes

  • The Plugins/ directory has been relocated to sit within the Bose/Wearable directory. Please read the Upgrade Guide on how to safely update your project to this version.
  • Removed Device.isConnected. Please use WearableControl.Instance.IsDeviceConnected.
  • WearableSensor and WearableGesture now have public Id properties to make them easier to identify if you store them in a list.
  • Deprecated Device.isConnected. Please use WearableControl.Instance.IsDeviceConnected.

Additions and Improvements

  • Added support for iOS 13.
  • GestureDetector will now trigger a device reconfiguration if necessary in OnEnable and OnDisable.
  • Additional iOS SDK Logging will be printed to console when "Debug Logging" is enabled onWearableControl.


  • Updated known devices for USB Provider. Resolves connection failures for users who had a Bose AR device but could not connect over USB.
  • Disconnecting on the "Firmware Update Available" connection screen is now properly detected.

Firmware Supported

  • Bose Frames >= 2.3.1
  • QC35 II >= 4.3.7
  • Bose Noise Cancelling 700 >= 1.0.10

Bose has also updated the firmware for Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 bringing numerous bug fixes and the ability to have different sample rates for the same sensor. You can download the latest firmware via the Bose updater.

Updates to the Android SDK are set to follow soon. For more information on Bose AR and how to develop for it, visit the official website here.

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